Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The rest of the story. . .

And part 2 of the story.  Nicole has written it out on her blog. . .thanks again, Nicole!

be sure to read the beginning from yesterday if you haven't. . .

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our Story

My friend, Nicole, that I am always referring to, wrote our story of losing baby Grace and then our "misdiagnosed miscarriage," Anna, on her blog today.  It's nice to have it written out concisely from beginning to end--so if you are just joining in, go to her blog today and tomorrow to get the whole story.  Thanks, Nicole!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Camera Lost and Found?

This might be a bit of an odd post, but it's what's on my mind right now.  We returned home from a family reunion and visiting friends/family in the Northwest Arkansas area.  Last Wednesday, we made the trip home through Arkansas, Oklahoma and then Texas.  We only made a few stops.  I have carried my camera in my purse for 6 years (an old version and now a new version of the Canon SD 1200).  I did not take any pictures with it Thursday or Friday, and kind of glanced in my purse Saturday, because I knew we'd be taking Father's Day pictures.  Didn't see it, but I wasn't worried.  It always turns up.  Sunday I really couldn't find it, so I began looking all day.  Then Monday, then Tuesday started tracking down and calling all the places we had stopped on our way home (and even here in town)--in case it had fallen out of the car.  Everyone was very helpful, but there was no camera.  1.  Either it is somewhere crazy in my house from my 20-month-old taking it out of my purse, 2.  it is laying somewhere unnoticed after falling out of the car 3.  Someone has it but does not know how to reach me  4. Someone decided to keep the camera.

Thankfully I had cleared out the card before going on the trip, but of course, I am sad to lose the pictures from that trip.  It's not earthshattering, but there were a handful of pictures I had taken of Elizabeth on her 20 month "birthday" that I was in love with.  The color, lighting and her personality were all bursting from the photos--I have never been able to catch all of that together before.  sigh.  And I want my camera!

So, what does one do in this situation?  I can't pinpoint the exact city that I might have lost it.  And if it fell out in a parking lot, say in Eureka Springs, where would someone have turned it in?  I checked the camera "lost and found" websites, but those are difficult to know which one a person might post to.

The lesson I have learned--put your contact information on your camera.  Maybe this seems a little scary, because you don't want some pervert trying to find you after seeing your children, but overall, it would at least allow a chance for someone to reach you if he/she is a kind-hearted person.  I so wish I had a phone number on my camera at this moment.

Any suggestions from someone else who has been through this?  I will let you know if it turns up in my house someday.  As people say, keep the camera--but send me the SD card!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cradled website

So our Cradled website has been up for a few weeks now, but I haven't made a big deal about it on my blog yet.  Things are about to get big, so we are very excited!  Not about women hurting, but at the ability to be able to reach out to so many more.  If you haven't checked it out, it's or you can click on the button to the right (or put that on your blog if you feel like it would reach out to women).  We just got our brochures printed to give out to the OBs and midwives, and I'm planning our luncheon for September.  I'm learning all of this as I go along, so it's a fun challenge, but there is so much to learn about doing it right!  (getting the non-profit status, planning and marketing an event, etc.)  Up until now, we have just been serving the women who we met or our friends put us in contact with. Now, we know that one hospital in town will make sure every woman who has a loss will know about the services we offer, and we're waiting to meet with the other hospital.  We are also thrilled to have added the infertility support component; so many times this goes hand in hand with a loss.
Many of our services are for women in Central Texas, but we also will give e-mail support or provide a listening ear if someone needs to talk.
I am all ears if you have advice or suggestions!  We are still adding resources and other information so check back again!