We flew back to the States this day to move back from Germany. We will miss our time in Germany, but we are looking forward to the life ahead of us. We had another doctor appointment the day before, but there was still no evidence of twins. I still had hope, because twins are often discovered later--especially if they are mono zygotic (identical), because they often have an identical heartbeat and one hides behind the other. Ours would have to be identical, because there is only one gestational sac, and we don't have the genetic history for fraternal twins.
From my journal. . .
"So the big question that's been on my mind right now is whether or not the twins were promised for this pregnancy. If I look at everything God has spoken, then it is this pregnancy (unless we are going to lose this baby and He's giving me hope for the future). From what He's taught me about faith, He wants us to believe even when the evidence is not there (that's what faith is right?). Right now it's pretty obvious there is only one baby, but Abraham believed even in spite of everything that God had the power to do what He said He would do. So maybe God's not finished--we'll see what God wants to do."
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