"Be not afraid, only believe." Mark 5:36
From my journal. . .
"Lord, I'm so sorry I've been so focused on me, but I do know this is the faith journey You have me/us on. There are so many things going on in my head right now--I have no idea how we'll get ready for this move--by God's grace. There is a field of red poppies right by our house--every time I drive by them, it's almost as if God is saying "don't forget this time" since the symbolism of the flower is "never forget." I was looking at our Italian painting with the red poppies that will be in our new house--I will never forget driving by these every day--it will always remind me of this journey. It's been a faith journey since December 18. I am so humbled and brought to tears at how huge this whole thing is--God spoke that to me when Grace died--that this was something for the greater good--but I was thinking church and a few friends. Now with this miracle, it will touch believers in China, Beruit, New Hampshire, here, and around America. Oh Lord, let it be twins. And help us to communicate it with the rest of the world the way You want us to. Help me to believe and not doubt.
God You are amazing--that I can be going through something like this but actually be okay. You really do shelter us--I am sheltered by the Most High. Last night you brought me comfort in the story of Lazarus in John 11:1-54. "Lazarus's sickness will not end in death. No it is for the glory of God. I, the Son of God will received glory from this. Lazarus is dead. And for your sake I am glad I wasn't there, because this will give you another opportunity to believe in me."
God is doing a mighty work of faith in many people--now I don't know when He'll reveal Himself.
Before I even found out I was pregnant, I sensed that I had a story to tell--but I didn't know it really wasn't finished."
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