Friday, August 29, 2008

January 11, 2008

From my journal. . .
"Lord I do believe You are speaking to me that I will have twins--even twin boys. I will ponder these things in my heart. I do pray that You'll heal my womb and bless us with pregnancy soon. Now I know I can pray for that and You answer that. Rebekah had not had children so Isaac prayed for her to have children and God blessed her with twins. Lord thank you Your mercies are new every morning"

I remember right before I wrote this journal entry praying to God and asking Him if He was speaking to me that we'd have twins, because I wanted to believe if He was really trying to communicate that to me through the dream and the verses that I had been reading. It was almost as if a still, small voice reassured me and even whispered names. It's hard to explain if you've never experienced God "speaking" to you, but it's different than just having a thought in your head. I know it was the same kind of "voice" I had heard times before when I was trying to make a decision, and I had prayed and asked God what I should do. I realized that I needed to trust that "voice" (the Holy Spirit) again and have faith of what it seemed God was promising.

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