Sunday, August 31, 2008

March 17, 2008

"This journal will hopefully hold many changes in my (our) lives. Of course, little did I know how many changes and griefs I/we would be bearing in the last journal. Right now I am doing 2 powerful Bible studies by Beth Moore, but I miss my quiet, intimate time with the Lord. Right now I believe He has spoken to me that we'll have boy twins, but I felt little boldness in telling a few ladies earlier today. That is my last test of faith--if I really believe God has promised us twins and He'll do it, then I won't be shy about telling people, because I know it will happen! I just told them to believe with me about having a baby in the next 9 weeks of our study. I do believe I'll get pregnant in March, April, or May-it's the twin part I'm finding hard to believe again. Lord, help me to not doubt.
I just read a passage in my Bible study, and I was going to review yesterday's reading in my One Year Bible, and it was the same passage I had just read in Luke."
Ps. 59:16-17 "I will sing about your power. I will shout with joy each morning because of Your unfailing love. For You have been my refuge, a place of safety in the day of distress. O my strength, to You I sing praises, for You, O God, are my refuge, the God who shows me unfailing love."

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